Welcome to Part 2 of our series on Rose City Nationalists. Today we will be looking at Zachary Clayton Lambert of Hillsboro, OR. Based on Zach’s membership in a white supremacist organization, he should be considered a threat to his community.
This project is a collaboration between several antifascist organizations across Oregon: Corvallis Antifa, Rose City Antifa, and Stumptown Research Collective. If you have any information on Zachary Lambert, or the Rose City Nationalists group in general, please email us at RCNTips@protonmail.com.
Note: Part 1 of this series provided a detailed overview of RCN as a group, as well as its leader Casey Knuteson. If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to give that a read first.

Basic Info
Legal Name: Zachary Clayton Lambert
DOB: 6/12/98
Address: 2226 NE Thorncroft Dr, Apt 544, Hillsboro, OR 97214
Vehicle: Maroon 2017 Subaru Forester (OR tag 9V1483)
Employer: Local 290 Plumbers and Steamfitters Apprentice
20210 SW Teton Ave, Tualatin OR 97062
Employed by BMWC Constructors
4488 NW Yeon Ave, PDX OR 97210
Social Media: Facebook
Zach at RCN Events
Zachary is an active member and participant in Rose City Nationalists. He has been to most of RCN’s events and “activisms,” beginning with the hike in Tillamook State Forest on July 27 when they posed with a sonnenrad flag and performed Nazi salutes for the camera.

When RCN did a banner and flag wave in Newberg on September 17, Zach Lambert was with them. He spent most of the time nervously holding (and attempting to hide behind) the group’s “Gender Theory is Poison” banner. As we mentioned in the first article about RCN, they did not stay in Newberg for long that afternoon as they were promptly walked out by three people that confronted them.

We can’t go into all the ways we confirmed Lambert’s identity, but as an example the image below is zoomed in to show the ring on Zachary’s finger in Newberg, as compared to the one he wore recently during a family gathering.

Next, on October 23, Zachary joined the rest of the group at the anti-drag protest across the street from Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene. RCN members largely avoided the handful of confrontations that day and quickly left when antifascists and community members began to move the crowd of far-right bigots away from the bar. But before they left, one of Zach’s fellow RCN members repeatedly performed a Nazi salute in front of cameras.

Zachary’s vehicle was spotted in Eugene as well. The image on the left below is a photo of his maroon Subaru Forester with OR license plate 9V1483 on a specialty plate. The image on the right is the same Subaru Forester, which they used to flee the protest. The characters on the license plates were covered in blue painter’s tape, but from the exposed edges it was apparent that it was the same specialty plate.

Most recently, Zach was part of the November 12 banner drop where local police allowed them to place a banner reading “There Is No Political Solution” on an overpass in Newberg.

Home and Work
Antifascists were able to pick up Zach’s wifi account from outside of his apartment. There was no guessing as to which network belongs to him, as one named “WPWW1488” immediately popped up. WPWW stands for “white pride world wide”, and 1488 is a number commonly used by Nazis to signify their ideology—14 references the “14 words” of David Eden Lane (co-founder of the white supremacist organization The Order) and 88 maps to HH in the alphabet and is used to abbreviate “heil hitler”.

Speaking of 1488, it should also be noted that 1483—the ending character string on Zach’s license plate—is the Christofascist variant with 83 mapping to HC and abbreviating “heil christ”. The specialty plate Zach has does not allow for custom characters, so while he did not choose those numbers himself he is no doubt thrilled to have acquired it, and paid extra to transfer the tag from his previous vehicle to his current one.
Zachary is currently a member of the Local 290 Plumbers and Steamfitters Apprentice Union. The Union’s website includes strong language about anti-discrimination policies that protect the membership from employers and even from other members. It remains to be seen how the Union will handle an avowed white supremacist in their ranks. Below are images of Zachary’s initiation into the Union in May 2022.

At this point, we must mention Alyssa Lambert (nee Candau), Zach’s wife. Alyssa is a high school friend of Jessica Knuteson, the sister of RCN leader Casey Knuteson, and the two still keep in touch.
Jessica lives on the same property as Casey, where he flies a sonnenrad flag in plain sight on the outside of his trailer. We find it unlikely that his sister, and Alyssa by extension, are ignorant to what’s going on.
It’s highly unlikely that Zach’s membership in the group is merely coincidental, and between her friendship with Casey’s sister and the fact that her wifi network contains overt Nazi terminology, we feel confident that Alyssa is supportive of Zach’s beliefs and activities.
This information is particularly troublesome considering that Alyssa works as a childcare provider at Almost Home Childcare. No one who considers Nazism acceptable should be working with children, let alone at a business which states that they “strive to create and maintain an inclusive, safe, and healthy environment”.

That does it for this installment of the ongoing identification of the Rose City Nationalists. Stay tuned for the next article to drop sometime in the next few days, and in the meantime if you’ve got any information about Zach Lambert, Casey Knuteson, or any other members of RCN, please send those tips to RCNtips@protonmail.com.
UPDATE: Check out the third article in this series, exposing neo-Nazi Kurtis Jorgensen as a member of Rose City Nationalists.