Welcome back to our series on the Rose City Nationalists. In Part 5 we will introduce you to James Nicholas Paine. Based on his membership in a white supremacist organization, he should be considered a threat to his community.
This project is a collaboration between ourselves, Rose City Antifa, Corvallis Antifa and some extra special help on this one from Fash Free NW. In our first article we introduced the organization and its founder Casey James Knuteson, followed by our second article about RCN member Zachary Lambert, the third article about RCN member Kurtis Jorgensen, and the most recent article about RCN member Erick Sturgill.
But first we have an update on convicted child-abuser Casey Knuteson! Thanks to a tip from a community member who had been working in the area and spotted Casey at work, we are able to confirm he is working at a jobsite in Woodburn, OR for I&E Construction. While we were aware of his workplace for some time, it was great to get confirmation from this brave person who confronted Casey and knew to reach out to us. Reportedly, when this person confronted Casey he denied his name and affiliation with RCN, claiming he had not been harassing people attending a drag queen story hour in Florence, OR recently.
I&E Construction can be reached at their headquarters at 503-655-7933

Right: Casey Knuteson’s Tahoe at the job site, with a very ironic sticker considering his opsec.
And now on to the identification of a founding member of Rose City Nationalist Club, James Nicholas Paine who goes by Nick Paine. If you have any information about Nick Paine or any other members of RCN, please let us know at RCNTips@protonmail.com.

Basic Info
James Nicholas Paine, aka Nick Paine
DOB: 2/2/1991
Location: 39358 SW Hartley Rd. Gaston, Oregon 97119
He rents a room in the home of Kelly Knuteson, the mother of the RCN leader Casey Knuteson.
Vehicle: We do not believe he has one. He crashed his Mazda3 last year.
Employment: Much like a car, he does not currently have a job.
Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: @OswaldM57310816
Current Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091259323460
Old Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nick.paine.589
Old Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.paine.16
Telegram: Current name is A fascist jumping spider, but he changes it frequently. He has gone by Mel Gibson After 4 Beers, Scorn on the cob, GibsonWaffen, ArachnoPanzer88, PurrLeWanger, Wednesday Enthusiast, and more.
Nick at RCN Events:
Nick is an active and founding member of Rose City Nationalist Club. He has been to almost all of RCN’s events and “activisms,” beginning with the banner drop on the HWY 26 overpass on July 9, 2022.

He was also at the July 27, 2022 hike in the Tillamook State Forest with Casey Knuteson, Zachary Lambert, Kurtis Jorgensen and others.

Last summer he spent an evening with Casey burning stolen LGBTQ and Trans Pride flags at Casey’s mom’s house.

Nick Paine participated in a flag wave with RCN in Newberg, OR on September 17, 2022. He took direction from the group leader Casey Knuteson during the event, asking where he should stand and what he should do.

RCN attended a protest against a drag queen brunch in Eugene, OR on October 23, 2022. You might remember him as the guy who threw the Nazi salute there. Nick was acting all tough with the 4 box knives he attached to his tactical vest, but spent the whole time hiding behind the Proud Boys for protection, and later ran away—literally—from antifascists on his way back to Zach Lambert’s car.

On October 29, 2022 Nick did a banner drop and flag wave with RCN over I-205 in Clackamas. He claimed on twitter to have kicked-in an antifascist’s head that day.
![Tweet thread.
Nick Paine: One of your comrades got their fucking head kicked in yesterday afternoon
[redacted account]: are you bragging abt having assaulted someone?
Nick Paine: Oh certainly not. I just heard it through the Reichvine
Nick Paine: And yes.](https://stumptownresearchcollective.noblogs.org/files/2023/05/nick-paine-rose-city-nationalists-nazi-bragging-about-assaulting-someone.png)
The most recent event we are aware of Nick attending was a collaboration between RCN and members of the Evergreen Active Club (EAC) when they did a flag wave and banner drop on the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge in Portland. Nick met Daniel Rowe, Chris Casselman and William Loyer at this event. We wrote an in-depth article about Evergreen Active Club and some of its members just a few days ago. You can read all about them here.

Nick has an obsession with knives, and should be considered armed and dangerous at all times as he purports to carry knives every day. He claims to own more than 200 of them, and often records himself playing with them in his bedroom at Kelly’s house for content to post on Telegram.
Recently, Nick spammed the RCN chat with pictures and videos trying to impress the group but instead got called a fa* by one of the more popular members of the chat. Nick then claimed to send his location to this person and gave them an hour to come fight him. “John Smith,” one of the leaders of Evergreen Active Club, asked Nick to take a step back and said it wasn’t a good look for RCNC. “John Smith” then asked Casey Knuteson to “keep this guy the fuck away from me. If he is gonna be at any rallies let me know ahead of time, I will not be attending”. Even Nick’s own people see how unhinged he is and don’t want to be around him. Nick left the chat shortly thereafter and the rest of the members went on to make fun of him for days.

~Click image to open in a large version in a new tab~
Nick has a polar bear tattoo, which you can see very clearly in this video he posted from his nazi-flag-draped bedroom. We were able to positively confirm his identity by finding an old Facebook page of his which shows the same tattoo.
Nick also has a tattoo of a windmill on his left wrist, representing Maryhill Loops Road. He used to skateboard there with his friends, using the nickname Sassy.

Right: Maryhill Loops Rd, Nick’s inspiration for the tattoo.
Up until late March, Nick had been working at I&E Construction as a laborer alongside his roommate, fellow RCN member, and possibly only friend Casey Knuteson. Another resident of Kelly Knuteson’s property, Michael Honeman, also works for I&E and had been driving Nick to work. Upon their return, he would drop Nick off at Kelly’s house around 5pm and then return to the second house on the property just down the driveway where he lives.
Michael Honeman’s truck has a very unique utility rack that can be clearly seen in the selfie Nick posted from the passenger side, and antifascists were able to identify and track down the vehicle at a job site in Salem to confirm that it matches. Michael is well aware of Nick and Casey’s nazi ideology.

Although Nick likes to come off as a tough guy who eats raw meat (a recent Vice article featured him in a ski mask with a hunk of raw steak in his mouth), he in fact usually cooks his meals, and does so in Casey’s mom’s kitchen by himself because he doesn’t have any friends besides Casey.

Nick has a long criminal history including Menacing, Endangering Another Person, and Carrying a Concealed Weapon. He certainly has a temper. It comes up a lot, like when he was sure he was going to get fired because he “almost got in a brawl in my work shirt with some f****t that didn’t like that I used the word f****t on my own phone.”

Nick was even banned from all Jimmy John’s locations for menacing multiple people at one of their locations. No sandwiches for you, Nick!

Paine and his gross antics first hit the antifascist radar in the late summer of 2021 when he joined various white nationalist chats run by Sebastian Campbell (aka Cleetus), leader of Montana’s White Lives Matter (WLM MT). The chats were connected to the “Cleetus’ Nationalist Watering Hole” channel and went by many names, most notably “Cleetus and his Soggy Bottom Boys,” before everything was deleted when Campbell was ID’d by Redoubt Antifascists.
Nick went by “Mel Gibson after 4 beers” at the time, but antifascists took to calling him the “The Porta-Potty Nazi.” Why? Because one of Paine’s routines was to go to the Rock Creek West Soccer Fields in Hillsboro, OR and scrawl hate graffiti inside the porta-pottys. He would take pictures and post them in the Cleetus chat with some variation of, “Some asshole tagged up the porta-potty at the soccer field again.”
![Collage of Nick Paine's hate speech vandalism of a porta potty. Images show writing saying "heil hitler [swastika]", "gas the kikes", "1488 [swastika]", "protect while children", and "race war now"](https://stumptownresearchcollective.noblogs.org/files/2023/05/nick-paine-rose-city-nationalists-nazi-porta-potty-vandalism.png)
Shit is a recurring theme for Nick. At one point he was posting videos of himself taking shits nearly every day. Did we mention he doesn’t have any friends? He is just a very, very gross man who is interested in very, very gross things.
Another recurring theme for Paine is his claim that he would urinate on Jewish graves and “makeover” Holocaust memorials. While we aren’t certain which memorials he might be referring to (or if it’s just bluster on his part), he sometimes posted pictures on Telegram of himself at the Riverview Abbey Mausoleum and presumably their cemetery.

Speaking of religion, Nick despises pagans. “They’re a bunch of tree-worshipping pagan f***ots who have decided to turn their back on Christ in favor of butt-fucking and dancing around dressed as yaks,” he once ranted. “I believe in the Trinity. Jesus, Hitler and Dylan Roof!” (Yes, the same Dylan Roof who shot up a CHURCH. Nick idolizes Roof; even featured him on the banner of a FB sock.) His hatred of pagans could prove problematic for RCN’s alliance with the Evergreen Active Club; EAC are decidedly pagan.

According to Nick, his long history of having fallouts with people also includes the Proud Boys. He claims he was a 4th degree PB, but that he quit “because I was so sick of being confronted for my pro-white and sometimes fashy beliefs and I figured why hang around when all I’m doing is stirring up hot water with 8-10 people when I could just go be [a Nazi].” We haven’t been able to confirm his former PB membership, but Nick did post a pic of what he implied were his PB colors in a burn barrel.

Also, when he caught a bunch of attention for his roman salute in Eugene, a Columbia River Proud Boy who goes by “Jocco” jumped into a Twitter conversation about it in a series of exchanges that we show portions of below, where he acknowledged knowing Nick (and acknowledged the friction between them). Unless Jocco was somehow confusing him for Casey, this would suggest that, just like Casey Knuteson, James Nicholas Paine was once indeed a Proud Boy.

The fact is, Nick just doesn’t (can’t) play nice with others. At the end of the day, he’s just a really sad and lonely dude who uses hate to make himself feel better. Like a lot of fash, he realized that if he does something and puts it online he can maybe have some internet friends for a few months.
This translates into a dark politics; particularly towards the LGBTQ community. Nick, as well as the other violent bigots in his group, should be nowhere near Queer events.
![[redacted account]: 1d as much as some of us argue for arming the queer community, we argue more for training. some anti-gun advocates have pointed out that it was unarmed patrons who stopped the shooter. but at least one of them had combat training. this matters.
• 33
17 1,075
* 5,826
Oswald Mosley
Replying to @[redacted account]
Does it matter? From what I count, 5 of you disgusting aids mobiles got plugged. I call that a success on the shooters part](https://stumptownresearchcollective.noblogs.org/files/2023/05/nick-paine-rose-city-nationalists-nazi-club-q-shooting.png)
He is an accelerationist, believing society needs a nudge into the fall-aparts so that a white ethnostate can be established from the chaos. And he believes RCN are a kind of corps of dark knights in the broader fascist black shirt movement, who will draw other lonely, angry, young white men into open white nationalism by their example.

But for all his rhetoric, Nick can’t even keep a friend, let alone organize an extreme overthrow of society. He could, however, cause harm along the path of his own self-destruction. James Nicholas Paine is a threat to the community.
Due to his past jobs as a laborer and an arborist, be on alert for this dangerous individual around tree service and construction sites. If you have any further information on Nick, or other members of RCN, let us know at RCNtips@protonmail.com.
For information on more identified members of Rose City Nationalists:
Casey Knuteson (convicted child abuser), of Gaston OR
Zachary Lambert, of Hillsboro OR
Kurtis Jorgensen, of Carlton OR
Erick Sturgill, of Salem OR