In the summer of 2020, a BLM rally held in the small Southern Oregon town of Cave Junction was harassed by a right-wing counterprotest that was shockingly racist. Afterwards, a somewhat viral image of the event circulated in local Facebook groups: a young white man standing next to two children; with a sidearm holstered at his hip, the man held two poorly written signs that read “BLM is funded by rich satanic elite pedophile Jews” and “Christ is King.”
This man’s name is Micah William Calabrese (DOB 4/8/97) of Grants Pass, OR and we have tied him to dangerous neo-Nazis in the region.

Micah has been active in the Northwest Territorial Imperative, a decentralized movement focused on turning the region into a white enthnostate. On Telegram, Micah has used the display names “Barefoot Breezy” and “Breezy.” On Facebook, Micah has a profile with the name “Mike Breezy.” On Instagam, he has an account under “mcbreezyxiv.” He may also use the name William Brese.

The racial justice rally in Cave Junction on August 22, 2020 was organized by young adults and youth who had gathered to be visible in their solidarity with the worldwide movement. They chanted the familiar slogans “Black Lives Matter” and “I can’t breathe” – hardly a threat. Organizers had tried to get out in front of any potential animosity by putting out an event flyer that had stated “this is not a riot, this is not a call for violence.” Nevetheless, dozens of angry counterprotestors descended on the rural town to heckle and intimidate the racial justice gathering.
Among the crowds, Micah stood out. He made no attempt to cover his face or conceal his identity, and in a video from that day he is heard yelling, “I’m proud to be white, I love my ancestors.”
Micah’s white pride extends well beyond mere sentiment. He is involved in organized neo-Nazism. In recent years, Micah has maintained contact with violent white supremacists including local Neo-Nazis like Anthony “Tony” Allen of Central Point and Joe McGuigan aka “Idaho Joe” of Cave Junction. We have also identified him as an active partipicant in white supremacist Telegram chats including the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative Chat.
Micah was first publicly outted as a racist in June 2020 on Twitter when a user posted screenshots of Micah’s direct messages on Instagram. Using the handle M_calabreezy, Micah ranted that the George Floyd uprising was “a bunch of [n-words] and communists [who] went rioting and burning cities to the ground and then [r-word] white liberal women supported that very hate group called ‘black lives matter’ in their instagram stories.”

A review of Micah’s past social media accounts show that he was alarmingly open about his obsession with fascist and Nazi ideology in 2020. We were able to find four different screenshots of Micah’s old profiles on the website On Telegram, Micah used the same username M_calabreezy, where his profile picture showed a poorly anonymized shot of him at the Cave Junction rally. On Instagram, Micah’s profile description declared, “Not dead, not red, DEAD REDS!” which is a play on the anti-communist slogan “better dead than red” — the phrase is currently popular with neo-Nazi and fascist groups like Patriot Front.

On August 29, 2020 — one week after the Cave Junction rally — Micah’s Instagram profile picture was a photo of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party. Two months later, Micah’s m_calabreezy14 backup account shows a picture of an individual wearing a skull mask, a symbol commonly appropriated by neo-Nazis. At that same time, Micah’s main Instagram account showed a photo of him working out in front of Jack Donovan’s “Stay Solar” flag.

A discussion of Jack Donovan could fill an entire article. In 2016, Rose City Antifa covered a previous iteration of Donovan’s fascist organizing in Operation Werewolf and the Wolves of Vinland. It’s worth noting that Donovan’s fascism is rooted in heathenry and volkish paganism — which is to say, Donovan is not a Christian. Despite Micah’s “Christ is King” sign in Cave Junction, his embrace of the “Solar Flag” may indicate that Micah’s beliefs are not strictly confined to Christian fascism.

In fact, Micah’s current Facebook account “Mike Breezy” uses a profile picture which shows him standing next to a flaming Celtic cross, a symbol used by both pagans and Christians. Celtic crosses are a symbol commonly appropriated by white supremacists, and the burning one is clearly meant to evoke the symbology of the Ku Klux Klan.
Micah’s “Mike Breezy” Facebook account was discovered when we noticed him “liking” neo-Nazi Joe McGuigan’s business postings. McGuigan runs “Idaho Joe Home & Landscape” in Cave Junction, and has been advocating for white supremacy since he was a teenager. Micah’s Facebook account only has seven friends; one of them is Joe and another is Joe’s brother Pat McGuigan.

Micah lives half-an-hour down the road from Joe, in Grants Pass, Oregon, and although he has attempted to scrub himself from the internet, there’s plenty to follow a trail. Born in 1997, Micah grew up just outside of Sacramento in Live Oak, California, and attended River Valley High School in Yuba City where he ran cross country. In his late teens, he briefly attempted to become a workout influencer on YouTube.
Raised in a Christian family with numerous brothers and sisters, Micah was a theatre kid; a smalltown writeup of Chicken Little described young Micah as “obnoxiously loud.” Recent tax filings list Micah’s father Joseph Calabrese as the Treasurer of Sequoia Brigade Camp, an evangelical youth and family camp based in Yuba City. Micah moved to Grants Pass after high school, and his sister also lives in town.
We don’t know why, but some time after 2020 Micah deleted his old Instagram and Telegram profiles. The thing about antifascists is, no matter how hard you try to cover your tracks, we’ll sniff you out.

After identifying Micah’s possible home address in Grants Pass, we started looking into the other residents of the house — which ultimately led us to find current social media profiles for Micah and his partner. At the time of publishing, Micah was using the Instagram handle “mcbreezyxiv.” We were able to locate photos of Micah and his partner on Instagram and TikTok; at least one of the recent family portrait posts were “liked” by fellow Neo-Nazi Joe McGuigan.
Micah’s partner is named Keira. She attended Grants Pass High School, and is only twenty years old; Micah is seven years her senior. Reviewing Keira’s social media accounts, we don’t believe she has the same lifelong committment to white supremacy as Micah — at least not yet. But she follows Joe McGuigan on Instagram, and she follows fellow Cave Junction Nazi Mary Pughe on Tiktok. Pughe is the wife of Cory Davis; before moving to Oregon, Davis and Pughe would host Nazi gatherings at their house in Montana, including at least one Celtic cross burning.

Nazis like Micah are notoriously bad lovers, and following your partner into Nazism can ruin your life forever. We hope that Keira’s friends and family will support her in leaving the world of organized white supremacy before she gets any deeper in; here’s a few ideas on how to leave.
Micah’s commitment to Nazism, however, is well established, spanning multiple years and a lot of documentation. Amidst the slew of online gaming related accounts connected to Micah, he maintains a current profile on under the display name “William Brese” and username calabreezy14, which uses an antisemitic quote from Bobby Fischer as the profile picture.
We also found an active Snapchat account for Micah where at the time of publishing he used the username m_calabreezy — the same username he previously used on Telegram and Instagram — and the display name of “Barefoot Breezy⚡️☀️⚡️ 14.” Earlier this year, Micah’s display name on Snapchat was “Breezy⚡️☀️⚡️ 14.” In the context of Micah’s beliefs, these emojis are Nazi dogwhistles: the S-shaped lightning bolts are references to the SS or the sig rune; the sun may be a reference to the “Black Sun” Sonnenrad, or perhaps Jack Donovan’s “Solar Flag”; and the number 14 refers to white supremacist terrorist David Lane‘s infamous “14 words.” Micah’s most recent Snapchat avatar also suggests that he currently — at the time of publishing — has a mustache and long hair, as pictured above.

These Snapchat display names allowed us to positively identify Micah as a member of two white supremacist Telegram groups.
In the summer of 2022, Micah was an active member of the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative Chat under the username “Barefoot Breezy.” In one post, “Barefoot Breezy” identifies himself as living in Southern Oregon. In another post, Micah uses the n-word and an anti-Asian slur to talk shit about Montana white supremacist and White Lives Matter leader Sebastian “Cleetus” Campbell.

A few months later, a Telegram user named “Breezy ⚡☀️🌙🌲🦉” joined the Cole Wolfsson Chat to defend the digital honor of Anthony “Tony” Allen, who was then using the handle “Bersrekkr” on Telegram. After using the n-word, Micah asks the chat “what’s ur issue with Bers? He said he got banned from this chat and wanted me to ask why.”

Being a member of the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative Chat and acting as a fanboy for Tony Allen allows us to locate Micah within the milieu of the Northwest Imperative, a decentralized white supremacist and Neo-Nazi movement with incarnations dating back to the 1970s. The movement’s central goal is to create a “whites only” homeland in the Pacific Northwest, which would presumably revive the type of violence that was central during the original colonization of the region in the 19th century. The group Micah was networking with in the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative (or PNWTI) Chat was just one of many recent incarnations of this movement.

While living in Central Point, Oregon — a short drive from Micah’s last known address in Grants Pass — Tony Allen’s recent role in the PNWTI was documented by Redoubt Antifascists in December 2022. Tony organized multiple PNWTI campouts with “family friendly” activities such as a Celtic cross burning and photo ops with swatiska flags. In 2022, Tony was an organizer of Martyrs Day Rumble, a neo-Nazi mixed martial arts tournament that took place in Pasco, Washington. Redoubt Antifascists also identified Tony as an administrator of the PNWTI Chat, and he is also a longtime friend of Cory Davis and Mary Pughe, the Cave Junction Nazis mentioned above.

Tony’s involvement in white supremacy spans decades. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of attempted murder (and a hate crime) for participating in a group assault and stabbing of a random black man he and his friends encountered at a liquor store.
Remember, this is the guy Micah white knighted for in a Telegram flame war, but their relationship didn’t end there. Through anonymous antifascist sources, we know that Micah has a much longer history of contact with Southern Oregon Nazis like “Idaho Joe” and Anthony “Tony” Allen than what’s documented in this article. We also suspect that, like Idaho Joe and Tony, Micah was involved in the aforementioned Martyrs Day Rumble in 2022. Comrades are welcome to contact us for more details.
Micah, you thought your Nazi bullshit was hidden from public view but we found you, and you’re not welcome in the Pacific Northwest anymore.
This article was a collaboration between Stumptown Research Collective and antifascists in Southern Oregon. H/T to SoCal Research Club for helping fill in some important puzzle pieces, as well as to the other anonymous antifascists who contributed information.
Anyone with tips about Micah Calabrese’s current or past activities, beliefs, and involvement in Nazi organizing is encouraged to contact us at