New information has come to light that adds to our threat assessment of the Hillsboro neo-Nazi teenagers.
To go directly to those details click here
A rumor began to spread after the release of our articles here and here exposing a pair of 16-year-old twins in Hillsboro, OR as the founders of a neo-Nazi network. The rumor, which likely started as a “game of telephone” between fellow classmates, claimed that the pair had threatened to shoot up their school. This claim was not a part of our reporting.
What followed was a series of dismissive communications from the school principal that failed to distinguish between our reporting and the rumor that came afterwards, leaving parents and students feeling unsupported, confused, frightened and gaslit. Several of them reached out to us for reassurance and further info.
While the district school board has since admitted their communication missteps, there has continued to be mixed messaging that acknowledges, yet minimizes, the issue. There has also been outright denial by some staff at Century High, including the Dean of Students for the 11th grade, who we presume is directly involved in the assessment and disciplinary decisions regarding the twins.
We are making this statement because the parents of Century High deserve the truth, and the kids deserve to be safe.
First, the identification of the teenagers has been confirmed by the school district, the authorities and the twins themselves, one of whom used his Telegram handle “Romanian_guy” to announce on his neo-Nazi ABN channel that he was disaffiliating from any organizing on the day our articles came out. The channel was later set to private and wiped of any content.

Just so we’re clear, we did not release our information until we had absolute confidence in their identities.
As for the rumors that swirled after our article’s release, we have never seen either of the brothers make a direct threat of violence against the school.
There IS a threat here, though. It is the threat of two students who not only subscribe to an ideology that believes groups of people should be exterminated because of their immutable characteristics, but who have also actively organized around that ideology. These two young men are obsessed with politically motivated violence and have been interacting with violent adults who have committed such things as child abuse (Casey Knuteson), racially-motivated murder attempts (Daniel Rowe) and terror plots (Kent McLellan, Jarrett Wilson Smith).
While they may not have made a direct threat to shoot up the school, one of them has praised the Buffalo shooter and promoted The Turner Diaries, a blueprint for domestic terror. The new information that has come to our attention sheds further light on their glorification of mass shooters.
Even if those warning signs were the bluster and bravado of teenagers, there remains the simple threat that these neo-Nazi kids were walking the halls unchecked. If you don’t think the boys posed a high risk for bullying and/or violence against marginalized kids, you’ve missed the plot. If you don’t think there wasn’t a high risk for them to fill their peers’ heads with hate, you’re naive. Of course the brothers posed a threat.
So when communications say “there is no threat” and “there has never been a threat”, no amount of work-shopped statements about diversity, tolerance and safety is going to satisfy anyone’s entirely valid concerns. People are capable of distinguishing between a directly stated threat to shoot up a school (which did not exist) and the threat to safety posed by two extremely radicalized kids. The school and the district were not making that distinction clear in their initial messaging.
Not only has our reporting been conflated with the false rumor due to either poor communication or an effort to minimize our allegations, but there are anecdotal and written responses to parents by teachers and administrators that have downplayed our reporting by suggesting we are unreliable. “Consider the source of where the information was coming from,” they have admonished.
Ok. Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are a crew of Portland-area antifascist researchers who track extremist movements and warn communities of violent threats. Our work has been referenced by Vice news, the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, The New Republic, EXIF’s overview of international Hammerskin organizing, as well as smaller mainstream publications. We take great pains to ensure our work is accurate and ethical. We perform this public service anonymously because it is dangerous and we do not have the kinds of institutional protection or resources enjoyed by the shrinking field of academics and journalists who cover this beat.
Parents have been told that our articles “aren’t 100% accurate.”
We wouldn’t be afraid to admit it if we got something wrong, but as it stands none of our claims about ABN or the twins have been refuted, and none of our concerns have proven in any way to be unreasonable. Two things have been brought up to cast doubt on our reporting:
1 – “The parents weren’t aware.”
We never said they were. We said that it was fair to ask whether they knew or not. We stand by that analysis, both when we wrote the articles and now.
2 – “The police claim the assault rifles pictured in the articles are air-soft rifles.”
We have no way of verifying this claim and have been around long enough to know better than to be stenographers for law enforcement. The police don’t appear to have had a warrant and we have no way of knowing if the guns that were likely voluntarily handed over to them for inspection were the same as those pictured in the article. When we examined the photos we brought to bear the extensive weapons experience of several researchers. Nothing tipped us off that the weapons could be air-soft. Indeed, if in fact they are, it is frightening how difficult it is to tell the difference without being able to physically examine the weapon. Police themselves have pointed out this difficulty. In light of the twin’s beliefs and online rants, it was absolutely appropriate for us to call attention to their access to those guns.
We stand by our reporting.
The first school statement to address the situation came from Century High Principal Julie Kasper, five days after the articles dropped. It assured people that the school was looking into the situation. The following day she issued a second statement to address the unfounded rumors that the boys had directly threatened to shoot up the school.

You can see how the messaging is already getting into minimization territory here. Notice that no distinction was made between the school shooting rumor and the information in our articles, just a vague statement about “no threat”, which flew in the face of what parents and students were able to read for themselves. Parents tried to reach out to administrators and teachers at the school, but felt blown off. They began to email us for clarification, which we were happy to provide. We also emailed the school and district administrators to alert them that this was happening and urged them to provide clarity on the situation and empathy for the families that had entirely reasonable fears.
Testimonials from parents who tried to discuss the issue with school employees continued to come in via email and social media. The people who were willing to talk about it in public – or in private with us – painted a picture of a broadly dismissive staff who generally wanted to avoid talking about the subject. Students were genuinely scared of attending school.
Then Principal Kasper tried to calm the situation by sending out a third email, followed by an article in the local paper, both of which continued to conflate the rumor of a school shooting threat with the claims we made in our reporting.

This is when it became clear that our reporting was being impugned. “…[P]lease know these claims are not true.” Which claims? “There have been no threats to our school.” Which threats? “It can be quite difficult to disprove something that has been fabricated, especially when there are small elements of factual information included.” What fabrications? Are we talking about the article or the rumors here? “What is the source of this information?” she urged people to ask. “Is it verifiable?”
It was a relief when the school board held a public meeting twelve days after our articles had dropped [ testimony begins at 1:19:09]. They addressed the concerns and acknowledged their poor communication during an admittedly unique crises that involved negotiating their legal obligations to both the district’s families and employees, as well as the twins themselves. Superintendent Travis Reiman and most of the other members of the school board appeared to have their heads wrapped around the fact that the twins had been active in neo-Nazi online spaces and understood the gravity of the situation.
“I can’t tell you not to worry. I can’t tell you that online activities aren’t scary. They are,” said Reiman. He explained that the district and the authorities had conducted a thorough investigation into the two students, and the school had completed a bias incident report. “We continue to partner with [the police] to minimize the real or perceived threats to schools due to online activities.”
He acknowledged that “two students of Century [are connected to] a high-risk social network, what the police have characterized as a neo-Nazi white nationalist ideology.”
“Demanding action and accountability is fair,” he said. He went on to outline the steps the district was taking to ensure the safety of its students, without going into disciplinary details, as the board are legally constrained in what they can say.
He made the distinction between our information and the rumors that came after. “We had a high number of social media posts, many were re-shares of the original blog, some accurate and some taking the information in unpredictable new directions, including rumors of school shootings.”
(One thing he mentioned, which confuses us, is that, “Myself and school administrators were not the first recipients of the original communication.” We aren’t sure what he’s driving at here, but this is false. We sent out emails to a long list of school and district administrators shortly before we announced our article to the general public.)
All in all, it was a very reassuring statement. “We learned that we could add a little more tender love and care in our communications. Perhaps going further when we acknowledge the fear that’s out there.”
Inevitably, one of the concerns that he highlighted is doxxing. So let’s talk about that.
We did not doxx them. Not by any definition of doxxing, and certainly not by the Superintendent’s definition: “the wide spread sharing of personal information like home address, places of work, and personal cell phone #’s.” We didn’t even name the teenagers. But we DID identify them in a way that those who knew them, those whose safety was at risk, would recognize who they were.
Our investigation spanned over half a year and collectively involved hundreds of hours of meticulous research. When we discovered that the founders of this neo-Nazi network were a pair of 16-year-olds we reached out to and consulted with extremism researchers from across the nation, deradicalization experts and antifascist educators. It was very important to us that we approached the situation thoughtfully and ethically. We didn’t go into this half-cocked.
As a rule, we do not believe in IDing minors, barring extreme cases. We believed this situation rose to a threat level that required a public intervention; but absent direct threats, it didn’t warrant a full public disclosure of their identities. We chose to follow the lead of Atlanta Antifascists in their partial identification of a prominent member of 2119, rather than Raw Story’s recent choice to fully disclose.
Students of Century are strongly cautioned against posting the twin’s identity anywhere in public, such as social media. Not only could this put yourself at risk, but it undermines the incentive the twins currently have to walk away from white supremacist organizing.
If the twins had just been some local racist skinheads, there wouldn’t have been an article. It was their obsession with political violence and the extreme circles they were involved in that lead to our decision. Schools and law enforcement have a poor track record when it comes to assessing extremism, and they are limited as to what they can discuss with the public. Parents deserved to know that their kids might be hanging out with neo-Nazis with ties to a national network of violent extremists.
Just before we released our article to the general public, we issued personalized messages to school and district administrators, the twin’s church, friends of the family, their parents, and the twins themselves. It was a well-planned, surgical intervention in their neo-Nazi organizing. The boys are young and they got-in way over their heads. We have provided them and their parents with resources they can access if they want to take an off-ramp from hate. We firmly believe they can turn their lives around and urge them to take this opportunity to deradicalize. But that restorative process should not come at the expense of the safety of their student peers.
We stand by our decision to bring the twin’s neo-Nazi organizing to the attention of those in their personal orbit.
During the school board meeting there was testimony from parents expressing their frustration with the district’s response to the situation. “The district failed to provide credible information validating that the article publications were false, as they stated,” said one parent. “The message that was given to parents was to rest assure that the threats are not real. How can we be expected to believe that information when we’ve only received two limited emails from the school — these emails did not provide any support, answers and next steps on rectifying the situation.”
The Superintendent’s statement in response, and subsequent coverage by the local paper (which more accurately represented the positions of the parties involved this time) gave us hope.
Unfortunately, School Board Chair Mark Watson sent out follow-up responses after the public meeting that again downplayed the threat and impugned the source of the community warning – us. He pointed parents to the initial misleading article in their local paper, saying it contained “much of the available information,” which is laughable.

He wrote, “The only real change in the situation [around school safety] was that an organization outside the Hillsboro community made the decision to expose the identities of two minors in our district.”
He’s saying that Stumptown are the bad guys. The problem, according to him, is not the discovery of neo-Nazis with close ties to violent extremists attending the school, but that we said anything about it.
Further, we are concerned that the Superintendent’s confirmation that the twins were involved in neo-Nazi organizing does not appear to have trickled down to a more granular level within the district.
When the Dean of Students for Century’s 11th grade, an individual presumably directly involved in assessing and disciplining the twins, was approached by a parent for answers, they claim he told them that “the twins are not neo-Nazis and that they found no proof of that.” When the parent pushed back, “He told me he wasn’t going to spend time going through details, that the only Neo-Nazi emblem he is aware of was the one from the 40’s. That I need to consider the source of where the information was coming from [Stumptown]. He stated that the boys got in too deep expressing their feelings of the war in Ukraine.” He then implied that the parent questioning him was the only one who cared anymore.
This conversation appears to have occurred on the day before the public school board meeting, and well after the investigation of the twins had concluded.
This is alarming. The boy’s activities MUST be taken seriously, regardless of how you feel about the messenger.
NEW INFORMATION: There is a symbol associated with mass shooters on one of the twin’s weapons. This should be factored into any evaluation of their behavior.
After the police claimed the weapons were air-soft, we began a close inspection of pics where the boys posed with guns, looking for any tells that might indicate one way or the other. During that process we were reminded of something we had noticed last summer, but had forgotten by the time the twins were identified.

The hash symbol on the top of the optic of this weapon is the Saint Michael’s Cross of the Iron Guard, a militant Romanian fascist paramilitary group that rose to prominence in the lead-up to WWII.

On the one hand, the twins are Romanian and it wouldn’t be surprising to see them show pride in a historical fascist group from their home country. In fact, the Iron Guard called themselves Legionnaires, which is why the twin we refer to as BP used the handle “nationalist_legionare777”. On the other hand, the symbol was placed on the optic.
Saint Michael’s Cross was recently popularized in Terrorgram circles when the Christchurch shooter put it on the optic of the weapon he used to murder 51 people. He live-streamed the event and the POV of his slaughter looked out over the hash symbol – in the exact same spot as the twins have put theirs.

The Buffalo shooter later used the Iron Guard hash on his weapon, too. On the optic. The twin we refer to as AP has praised the Buffalo shooter.

You can also see it on the weapon AP is holding when he and his brother BP and a third unidentified individual made a dorky little terror video last summer to threaten MAGA pundit Benny Johnson.

In our opinion, this bears looking into. On Terrorgram mass shooters are thought of as “saints” and we know that Saint Michael’s Cross has been used as a copycat symbol at least once.
Below we have provided an extensive data dump of archive links and brief explainers documenting the twin’s hateful and explicitly neo-Nazi ideology and organizing. Each archived post includes the handle of the person who posted it on the bottom right hand corner. As you will see, most of these posts were made by “Romanian_guy” who, it has been established, is the twin we refer to as AP.
In case there is still any doubt as to whether AP is the person behind the Telegram handle “Romanian_guy”, here is further proof:

To the parents of Century High: if any educator or administrator dismisses or outright denies the twin’s neo-Nazi activities, print this out, drop it on their desk, and demand that they explain how each one of the posts below don’t demonstrate neo-Nazism or advocate for extreme violence.
The following only includes posts from the American Banderite Network (ABN) channel on Telegram. They do not include chat posts, of which we also have ample receipts. If there is any doubt about any of the groups named in these archives, look it up on the internet. The list below is an extensive documentation, but not exhaustive. For the full archive you can go here* (asterisk must be included).
6-2 AP explains he wants to appeal to national socialists (nazis) and attempts to justify Stepan Bandera’s on again, off again relationship with Hitler’s Nazis.
6-25 AP complains about MAGA k*k*s trying to identify Rose City Nationalist (RCN) members. It has been established many times over that RCN are neo-Nazis.
6-26 AP celebrates that the ADL listed the Northwest Nationalist Network (3N) as a hate group. This is a regular feature of white nationalist Telegram channels. They celebrate groups hitting the big time, so to speak, when they are listed by extremist watchdogs. 3N is an alliance of neo-Nazi groups with whom AP is aligned.
6-25 That very same day AP admits 3N are nazis when he posts about a made-up “Dr Seuss on the Loose Active Club” that 3N had made as a joke. “Neo Nazi alliance welcomes …” he says.
6-27 When the Patriot Front account “Rockwell’s Ghost” claimed that they had caught charges for assaulting an immigrant, AP celebrated with a slur and two SS lightning bolts.
6-27 AP shares a post by White Lives Matter Washington that challenges Proud Boys to a fight for not being white nationalist enough. The post ends with the 14 words by David Lane, who was a founder of the domestic terror group The Order. AP is well aware of what the 14 words are and who David Lane is.
7-5 AP shares the launch of Active Club Portland as a member of 3N. Every member group listed in this post is a neo-Nazi org. What do you think they mean when they say “young white men who are willing to fight for the PNW”?
7-5 AP admits ABN’s involvement with the white supremacist Active Club Portland
7-5 AP posts a recruitment poster for ABN that features a large sonnenrad (“Black Sun” a symbol that has been widely adopted by neo-Nazis).
7-6 AP says kill both congresswomen MTG and Cori Bush
7-7 AP celebrates violence by the National Socialist Club (NSC), a well known neo-Nazi group.
7-10 AP promotes ABN by saying “get active, white man!” – a common saying in “3.0 white nationalism”. AP is stating that ABN excludes all others.
7-12 AP shares an image that uses a swastika to explicitly demonstrate how he views the Ukrainian cause as a Nazi crusade against Bolshevik Russia.
7-22 blatant anti-semitism
8-3 Boneface, who AP made an admin on the ABN channel, calls himself a neo-Nazi. Boneface lied about many things, but one thing he didn’t lie about was his arrest for participating in planned acts of terrorism with a neo-Nazi gang. AP knew this when he made him admin.
8-5 AP shares an RCN post where they just straight-up admit they’re white supremacists
8-6 AP shares a post by the neo-Nazi Rainforest Active Club showing a man in a skull mask firing a rifle at various flags and banners of LGBTQ and Jewish affiliations.
8-6 AP says the only solution to the n-word “infestation” in America is national socialism – nazism. The implied solution is a campaign of racial extermination.
8-7 Legionnaire Broadcasting, who AP made an admin on the ABN channel, makes a Hitler was right post. Similar posts were made often, with AP’s blessing.
8-8 AP shares a post by the Aryan Freedom Network (AFN) promoting a raffle with Hitler and Nazi memorabilia as prizes.
8-8 AP shares a post talking about finding new ovens for “interned Jews” – an obvious pro-Holocaust reference.
8-8 AP makes fun of “MAGAtards” for including n-words and f-words in their ranks
8-9 AP makes well-known neo-Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus (Hammer) of Blood Tribe an admin.
8-10 Hammer – AP’s hero – shares a statement that calls for “death to all mongrels”
8-11 AP suggests his New Englander followers join NSC-131, a neo-Nazi group that goes around in skull masks and threatens minorities with violence.
8-11 AP says Africans are inferior, should be colonized “harder”, leftists should be hung, and then calls for “TND” which stands for Total N-word Death.
8-17 AP shares a picture of Boneface giving a nazi salute.
8-18 AP identifies himself and ABN as national socialists (nazis)
8-19 AP calls for Nick Fuentes (a white supremacist who AP disagrees with) to be hung.
8-26 AP shares a picture of someone putting up a swastika flag with Ukraine colors. AP writes what is on the individual’s shirt “Kill the Russian”
8-26 AP announces that neo-Nazi Rainforest Active Club has joined his ABN with a picture of them posing in skull masks in front of several nazi banners that include swastikas.
9-1 AP calls for Tucker Carlson to be killed for being a Communist.
9-2 AP posts coverage of the “March of the Red Shirts” in Florida. The description clearly notes that they are neo-Nazis.
9-14 AP posts a picture of a Ukrainian soldier’s kit which includes a swastika on the helmet.
9-14 AP shares a post by White Lives Matter Montana that talks about whites reclaiming their homeland.
9-23 AP is racist towards blacks and hispanics.
10-01 AP promotes The Turner Diaries – a fictionalized roadmap for domestic terrorism.
10-15 AP is very racist and antisemitic
10-16 AP makes an antisemitic and Islamaphobic post.
10-16 AP posts a slew of pics with obvious nazi symbols
10-16 AP says he is a white nationalist.
10-16 AP posts “a swasti a day keeps the commies away”
10-18 AP writes that there’s no reason to be ashamed of being a nazi
10-27 AP’s second-in-command neo-Nazi Andrew Benson (aka Kievan Rus) shares George Lincoln Rockwell content. Rockwell was the founder of the American Nazi Party.
11-09 AP posts a comic scene he created of masked, jackbooted hooligans in an alley wearing blue armbands like Ukrainian soldiers do. One of them has a bat. On the bat is inscribed “East Side White Pride”, a Portland-area racist skinhead group that were involved in the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant in the 80s.
11-11 AP posts that diversity is a threat.
11-12 AP shares a post about a 3N rally of neo-Nazis in Missoula that was “confronting Jewish power, and proclaiming White Unity to the entire town”.
11-24 AP shares a promotional post by Active Club Portland. He can be seen in the pic wearing his favorite T-shirt and has a “White Pride World Wide” symbol covering his face. Another individual (who may be the other twin BP) has a Northwest Territorial Imperative symbol covering his face. That symbol represents a plan to kick out the millions of non-whites who live in the Pacific Northwest and transform the region into an ethnostate.
11-24 Another AP comic showing masked hooligans with neo-Nazi celtic crosses on their hoodies. In the image they are attacking antifascists in a street battle.
11-26 AP pitches a nazi flag with a swastika on it
11-26 AP says that books like the Anne Frank Diaries need to be burned because they inspire violence against Nazis.
11-29 AP shows a pic of soldiers holding up a flag with a swastika and excitedly writes “NAZIS BACK IN DUNBAS!”
11-29 An example of the stickering AP and BP did around their neighborhood. This one shows a Patriot Front sticker. Patriot Front are white nationalists.
12-02 AP shares a Storm 14 post with a variety of clear nazi symbols and salutes.
12-18 AP posts a picture of the printing one of their white nationalist banners. Not sure where this was. Hopefully not Century High School.
12-24 AP’s second-in-command posts a “merry white christmas” that glorifies Hitler and the KKK
1-01 AP and BP and friends hold a small rally at a neighborhood park where they hold up a banner and flag using fascist references.
1-06 AP shares a pic of a concert with a swastika in the background and people giving nazi salutes. The post says the concert was put on by Blood and Honour, a violent terror gang.
1-07 AP makes a statement that directly calls ABN national socialist (nazi) and says that he wants to model ABN on neo-Nazi skinhead gangs.
1-07 AP uses the neo-Nazi sign-off “Hail Victory”
1-07 More of AP and BP’s white nationalist rally at a local park
1-16 A new AP comic showing white nationalists fighting with leftists in the street. On the hoodies of the white nationalists are the symbols of the various neo-Nazi crews in 3N. In the background is a sonnenrad neo-Nazi symbol. This image is now the pfp used by 3N on their Telegram channel.
1-16 AP being racist
1-19 AP makes allies with the “militant cosmotheist” Sacred Order / National Resistance Division, eco-fascist pagans who say “white revolution is the only solution”.
2-03 AP shares a RCN post. RCN are neo-Nazis led by Casey Knuteson who is known for having beat up his 2 year old child. Casey was hanging out in the ABN chat right before our article.
2-05 AP and BP giving nazi salutes in their garage
2-05 ABN stickers that AP and BP put up around their neighborhood that clearly associate ABN with Nazis – in a variety of ways, the most obvious being the large NSDAP at the top. That is the acronym of Hitler’s Nazi Party.
2-10 AP flyer design that entirely displays his white nationalist ideology.
2-10 further AP art along the lines of nazi skinheads having street battles.
2-10 AP pitching a sticker he made that calls for killing antifa.
2-11 AP asks ABN members to follow the new neo-Nazi 3N channel after its last one got banned on Telegram. You can see that the new 3N pfp is AP’s art.
2-12 AP says that he was a member of the third positionist fascist group ANI before becoming a national socialist (nazi).
2-12 AP gets upset at a Russian nazi for being a traitor to the white cause and argues that himself and those who want to defend Ukraine are the real nazis.
2-25 AP gets upset that former-KKK leader David Duke refers to Ukrainian nazis as “cartoon nazis”
2-25 AP is racist
2-25 AP is proud that the ABN flag flew at a pro-Ukraine Toronto rally
2-29 AP quits from ABN on the same day our articles were released.