Welcome to Part VI of a series on the Evergreen Active Club (EAC) and the regional active club alliance to which they belong, the Northwest Nationalist Network (3N). This project is a collaboration between several antifascist crews and individuals: Corvallis Antifa, SunlightAFA, SoCal Research Club, FashFreeNW, Stumptown Research Collective, and antifascist anons. Also, h/t to PlausibleDeniability on this one and thanks again to the Southwest Washington Anti-Racist Movement (SWARM), as well as all the folks who have sent us info on EAC members.
In this installment, we will introduce you to two of the founding members of EAC: Thomas Rowe and Jason Stebly. We will also discuss Robert Harris, an Idaho-based Hammerskin with close ties to EAC, and dive into how his involvement points to broader connections between EAC and the Northwestern Hammerskins (NWH). Finally, we will demonstrate that EAC’s leader Daniel Rowe and the leader of NWH Matthew Schmoyer not only both attended the first Euro-style fascist MMA fight held in the US in August of last summer, but also attended the recent August 19th anniversary fight – “Frontier ‘23” – where Daniel Rowe was humiliated in the ring.
If you haven’t read the previous installments of this series, they are summarized and linked in the recap below.
As always, if you have any information on Evergreen Active Club or their fellow 3N member-groups, please reach out to us at EACtips@protonmail.com.
- Series Recap
- New ID: Thomas Rowe
- New ID: Jason Stebly
- Thomas and Jason at EAC Events
- Idaho Hammerskins
- Beer Hall Putsch
- Northwestern Hammerskins
- Matthew Schmoyer (Matty O’Hammer)
- Schmoyer, Rowe and the Frontier Fight
In Part I, we provided an overview of the Active Club / “3.0” movement, EAC’s connections to movement leaders, and the “Martyrs Day Rumble” MMA event hosted by EAC. We laid out the deep connections between EAC, Hammerskins and other old school boneheads / “1.0” white nationalists, while giving a brief overview of the Northwest Nationalist Network (3N). We also identified EAC leader Daniel Rowe and a few of his underlings: Vincent Nutter, William Loyer, William Fleming,and Christopher Casselman.
In Part II we introduced you to 3N member-group the Vinland Rebels and identified one of its members, neo-Nazi Proud Boy Larkin McIntyre (aka Taxi Driver). We also updated information on white nationalist couple Chris and Alena Mack, both of whom have attended 3N events.
In Part III we provided a recap of 3N’s activities from January 2023 through mid-June, including their campaign of disrupting small town drag and Pride events, the animosity that led to a split between Rose City Nationalists (RCN) and 3N, as well as the expanding influence of 3N on the Northwest’s white nationalist scene. We also identified Alan Elliser and Bradley Beck as EAC members.
In Part IV we identified Mason Howells, former leader of the now-defunct Puget Sound Active Club and current member of Evergreen Active Club, White Lives Matter (WLM WA) and Asatru Folk Assembly (AsFA). We also introduced readers to Mason Johnson, a member of Evergreen Active Club who is one of the regional leaders of AsFA, and contextualized the overlap in AsFA’s membership with numerous other white nationalist groups.
In Part V we identified Thomas Totten III, a member of White Lives Matter (WLM ID) and the Vinland Rebels. We revealed that Totten joined 3N for their Livingston and Bozeman hate rallies, where he commited an assault. Finally, we noted that the 3N alliance appears to have fallen into disarray.
DOB: 4/23/94
Location: Port Orchard/Bremerton
Contact EACtips@protonmail.com for more info on Thomas’ whereabouts.

Thomas Rowe (no relation to Daniel Rowe), who also goes by “Othala Christensen”, is one of the founders of Evergreen Active Club. Thomas is yet another active club member who is dual-carding with Crew 38. Crew 38 is a feeder club for the Hammerskins, a violent, international racist skinhead gang whose close ties to the active club movement are explored in Part I of this series. Thomas Rowe is also a rapist.

Right: Thomas Rowe’s Facebook post showing an EAC banner from the Martyrs Day Rumble fight in Pasco.
In 2017, Thomas Rowe was sentenced to 48 months in prison for rape. This came after years of violating protection orders; Thomas has a long, documented history of assaults against his partners.

It appears that Thomas was released early from prison, getting out as early as July of 2020. While not confirmed, we believe it’s likely he met Daniel Rowe (who was released one year earlier) in prison because the two seem to have been in touch as soon as Thomas got out. Regardless, they are now close associates and are both involved with EAC and Crew 38 / Hammerskins.

Thomas is a danger to the community. Photos of his vehicles are included below, and if you would like more specific information on his whereabouts please email us at EACtips@protonmail.com. Thomas also attends two gyms who need to be made aware of the danger he presents to other gym-goers.
Crunch Fitness
9577 Ridgetop Blvd NW, Silverdale, WA 98383
Local: 360-698-6000
Corporate: 844-927-8624
Kitsap Combat Sports Center
2901 Perry Ave, Bremerton, WA 98310

Thomas has attended many of the Evergreen Active Club’s events including the first known meetup of the group’s founding members (a hike that doubled as a propaganda shoot), EAC’s official debut at the Martyr’s Day Rumble MMA fight, the unity meeting where 3N was formed, and numerous subsequent hate rallies. We catalog his attendance in the Events section below, but first we’ll introduce you to another member of EAC who has tagged along with Thomas at all of these events (they seem to have formed a Nazi buddy system of sorts), Jason Stebly.
DOB: 9/5/80
Location: Auburn, WA
Contact EACtips@protonmail.com for more info on Jason’s whereabouts.

Jason Stebly is another founding member of EAC. Like his good friend Thomas Rowe, Jason is a career scumbag and a chronic domestic abuser. He has convictions for violating protection orders on four separate occasions between 2011 and 2016. He received another violation of a protection order in 2022, but that charge was dismissed. His past is littered with residential burglary, theft, and assault charges, as well as a hit and run in 2020.

It appears that Jason went to prison in October of 2016, after his fourth restraining order violation, and served about two years before being released. Upon his release, he began interacting with numerous Northwestern Hammerskins online—something he hadn’t done prior to prison. Between this and his known relationships to other Crew 38 associates, it appears likely that Jason is involved in Crew 38 as well—however, this has not been confirmed.

On August 1, an antifascist made a Twitter post reporting that Will2Rise and Evergreen Active Club stickers had been found (and covered) on a gas pump in Auburn WA. In their pics, the reflection of the Las Margaritas sign makes it clear that this was the Arco station at 27 15th St NE, which happens to be on the exact route that Jason takes to work from his apartment.

Right: An Evergreen Active Club sticker on the other side of the pump, before it was covered.

Jason is a licensed pilot, and currently works as a manual machinist at Aero Controls in Auburn where he does custom fabrication and overhauls of aircraft parts. Given Jason’s membership in a white nationalist organization, many of which trend towards accelerationism with slogans like “No Political Solution,” it’s concerning that he is working in a role where he has the potential to undermine the safety of commercial aircraft. Employer contact below:

Jason is a danger to the community. He is known to primarily use motorcycles for transportation (and may be using WA plate 5F9085)—if you would like more specific information on his whereabouts please email us at EACtips@protonmail.com. Jason also attends Fitness Quest at the Auburn Outlet Mall, which needs to be made aware of his ideology and the danger he presents to others. They can be contacted at 253-737-5829.
If it wasn’t for his membership in Evergreen Active Club, Jason Stebly would appear to be a pretty unremarkable guy—at least on the surface. As far as we can tell he doesn’t make his abhorrent political beliefs a central part of his personality, unlike many of his peers. His social media accounts mostly depict him as an avid hiker who happens to occasionally post photos from his Nazi get-togethers. As such, we wouldn’t be surprised if few in Jason’s life were aware of his ideology. Chances are, many are about to find out.
On September 18, 2022, the first public photo of EAC was posted on social media. The group, consisting of Jason, Thomas, and Daniel, hiked to the Mount Fremont Lookout in Mount Rainier National Park. We consider this to be the first EAC get-together, as video from the hike was used as part of official Evergreen Active Club propaganda after the group launched in December.

On December 3, 2022, Jason and Thomas attended the event that marked EAC’s official debut: The Martyr’s Day Rumble. Held in Pasco WA (near Daniel’s home), the event was only the second organized white nationalist fight tournament to be held in the U.S. It was co-sponsored by EAC and SCAC, and the groups teamed up with West Coast Firm, a white power concert promoter affiliated with the Western Hammerskins.

Beer Hall Putsch, whose frontman Robert Harris is discussed later in this article, was listed on the bill along with fellow neo-Nazi band Ironwill. In yet another demonstrable example of how interconnected these groups all are, Ironwill’s frontman is Edward “Skip” Mack, brother of 3N member Chris Mack. You can read more detail about this event in Part I of this series.
The next sighting of Jason and Thomas was at the unity meeting in Lakewood, WA on January 21, 2023. This meeting consisted of members of EAC, Rose City Nationalists, Puget Sound Active Club (defunct), and Asatru Folk Assembly. This gathering marked the formation of the Northwest Nationalist Network (3N), as detailed in Part I of this series.

On April 29th, 2023 members of 3N converged on Florence, OR for a weekend of camping and hate-rallying outside of a local drag event. Groups present were EAC, RCN, and Vinland Rebels. Jason and Thomas participated by handing out white nationalist propaganda to passersby while harassing those who refuted their views. You can read a write-up of their hate rally in Part III of this series.

Jason and Thomas were also with EAC at their protest of Lewis County Pride on June 10, 2023. As we detailed in Part III of this series, this attempt at intimidation ended up being a complete embarrassment. EAC member Mason Howells was handily destroyed in a push-up competition with a pride attendee, Daniel Rowe was twerked into oblivion, someone got pics of all their license plates, and they were ultimately refused service at multiple bars.

They were kicked out.

3N suffered a self-inflicted bout of infighting after Part I of this series was published, and it seems likely that this led to the cancellation of their planned “Unite the White Retreat” over Memorial Day weekend. They seemingly attempted to make up for this with a camping trip in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest on the first weekend of July, but it was only attended by a handful of people, including Jason and Thomas.

of EAC’s camping trip in July.
Last year, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network revealed that the Vinland Hammerskins – Canada’s regional chapter of the violent Hammerskin Nation – was not only using active clubs to recruit, but had specifically set up active clubs to attract young blood that may have otherwise spurned the old “1.0” bonehead style of the last generation. As our picture of the Evergreen Active Club continues to come into focus it has become increasingly clear that there appears to be a similar effort going on in the United States – in the Pacific Northwest, in Southern California, and likely other regions.
One event that began to drive this point home for us was an EAC gathering in February of this year. We have chronologically skipped over this event in past articles in order to give it the attention it deserves here. A recent Vice article by Mack Lamoureux reported on a video that was posted in “a Telegram group chat populated by Active Club leaders across the United States.” It showed a man opening a box of Evergreen merch that had illegal steroids and related paraphernalia stashed under the apparel, suggesting that EAC was involved in an interstate drug running operation. “This is the package I was supposed to deliver to our EAC [Evergreen Active Club] guys in Idaho,” said the man.
We don’t know which of their “guys in Idaho” were the intended recipients, but odds are they were Hammerskins. It’s time to talk about the “Idaho chapter.”
On February 11th, Jason Stebly and Thomas Rowe took a trip in Thomas’ black Mustang down through eastern Oregon and across the border into Idaho. This was three weeks after the Lakewood, WA unity meeting and one week before the first joint 3N “activism” in Portland, OR; so it was just as the club was preparing to launch the Northwest Nationalist Network.
At the end of their drive, Jason and Thomas joined several other Evergreen members who had arrived seperately for a meet-up in Idaho with their eastern crew. That evening Jason Stebly posted a video of himself trying to show off with a free-standing punching bag in someone’s front yard as the sun set. The next morning he himself was filmed training on pads with Daniel. Stebly posted it all to his social media. When we used that footage to geolocate their meeting with the eastern crew we discovered that it placed them at the Middleton, ID home of Robert Harris (aka Bobby Butcher), founder of the white power band Beer Hall Putsch, and a member of the Northwestern Hammerskins (NWH).

It is perhaps fitting that a hate core band representing the northwest’s white nationalist “1.0” movement – racist skinheads, the so-called first failed attempt at modern white nationalism – was named after Adolf Hitler’s first failed attempt at a fascist coup, the Beer Hall Putsch. That the founder of that band was hosting a newer, younger “3.0” style active club at his home further illustrates that Hammerskins have a strong presence in the “3.0” world.
Beer Hall Putsch first appeared on the white power scene with a live debut at a 2014 Martyrs Day event in Washington state. As we discussed in Part I, Martyrs Day is an important white power holiday for Pacific Northwest racists who celebrate the “sacrificial” death of a prominent white terrorist who was killed in a standoff with authorities on Whidbey Island on December 8th, 1984.

Following their 2014 debut, Beer Hall Putsch was included on the bill for the next year’s Martyrs Day. This time the Hammerskins decided to break with tradition and announced that instead of holding an event on Whidbey Island, they would be celebrating in the Seattle area, where they would be staging a white power march through the Captiol Hill district. In response, a coalition of antifascist groups called for a counter-demonstration, and Rose City Antifa put out an article which spotlighted Beer Hall Putsch and its members. We will be revisiting that information.
On Dec 6th, 2015 nearly 500 antifascists took to the streets to counter the Martyrs Day hate march. Vastly outnumbered, the racist skinheads never showed. It was reported that instead of the hundreds that the Hammerskins had predicted, they’d only managed to pull together a couple dozen for a low-key house show, and they didn’t even bother to try for a march. It was an anti-racist victory.

Although they’ve cycled through members over the years, Beer Hall Putsch has gone on to become a regular act for Martyrs Day events, including last year’s inaugural fight tournament for Evergreen Active Club, the Martyrs Day Rumble, in Pasco, WA.

Beer Hall Putsch have always been a Hammerskin band, not only playing Martyrs Day events and various other Hammerskin shows, but also taking their act to the annual Hammerfest – one of the most well-known white power concerts on the scene. The original players for the band are believed to be fully-patched members of the Hammerskin Nation, with Rose City Antifa noting in their 2015 article that the band had stated that “being part of Hammerskins we have contacts all over the world.”

Robert Harris is the only remaining “musician” from the original band, but all three members of the original line-up are believed to have continued their organizing roles within the regional Hammerskin chapter. They live in the greater Boise / Southern Idaho area, where they are well-known and generally seem to keep to themselves. To our knowledge, they have not been spotted at protests or political events.

The original lead singer of Beer Hall Putsch was Christopher Vertrice Lord, a longtime bonehead (racist skinhead) with – surprise – a history of violence. In 1994, back when he was a member of the neo-Nazi American Front, Chris Lord and another man drove past an empty synagogue in Eugene, OR and fired at least 10 armor-piercing bullets into the building from a rifle. Lord served four and a half years for this hate crime, but his rap sheet doesn’t stop there: he has been charged for multiple assaults, burglaries, stalking, etc etc. (He even had a warrant out in Clark Co, NV in 2008 for child abuse charges. As of time of publishing, we’ve been unable to determine the outcome in this case). Lord now owns a home in Meridian, ID.

The band’s original bass player was Jeremie Kaufman, a longtime organizer and leader within the regional Hammerskin chapter, the Northwestern Hammerskins. Kaufman is a tattoo artist who owns Valhallas Gate Tattoos in Nampa, ID.

And then there’s former guitarist and current lead singer Robert Harris (aka “Bobby Butcher” / “Robert Nailbiter Butcher” / “Terror Butcher”). Harris is a patched-in Northwestern Hammerskin and his wife, Lindsey Maxwell-Harris, has been seen repping the Hammerskin support Crew 38.

In our first article we told you about the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative (PNWTI) chat on Telegram. Run by violent racist Anthony Allen (aka Bersrekkr), the PNWTI chat championed the creation of a white ethnostate in the predominately caucasian PNW and was an important networking space from which EAC and 3N emerged. Before the chat was shut down last winter, Robert Harris was in there under his “Terror Butcher” handle pitching the July 2022 Hills of Hate Camp in Boise, ID and generally hobnobbing with like-minded neo-Nazis.
Harris bragged about a door knock by feds in the chat, and cautioned his fellow racist skinheads to never talk to cops. “If nobody talks, everybody walks.” That may have served him well in life. Unlike a lot of his bonehead buddies, Robert Harris does not have a violent criminal record; but he sure has violent lyrics.
“We kill SHARPS [Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice] without remorse! … Idaho Skinheads! Beer Hall Putsch!”
As is common in bonehead circles, Robert Harris’ racist community is a family affair. His wife Lindsey’s sister, Kristi Maxwell-Deschene, is married to Steve Deschene, a Hammerskin who is close pals with the original Beer Hall Putsch members. In yet another cautionary tale about extremists in the military, we know that Steve has been an enlisted member of the Idaho National Guard. Although it’s unclear if he still serves, if he does his ranking officers might wanna know that he’s a neo-Nazi—it’s not exactly hidden in his or his wife’s socials.

Right: Steve Deschene working out with a man wearing Liftwaffe gear.

Right: Sisters Lindsey Harris and Kristi Deschene proudly wearing “Summer of Hate 2012” tshirts.
Back in February, Robert Harris was a guest on White Noise Radio, a Tinnitus Records podcast hosted by white power musician and Atlantic City Skinhead (ACS) Joshua Mathew Croom “JD” Williamson (aka “JD Moxie” aka “Seamus McMurtry”). Josh was a founder of a white power band that included Hammerskin mass murderer Wade Michael Page, who killed 6 people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012. You’d think that such proximity to extreme violence would jolt a person out of the white supremacism business, but Josh went on to attend Unite The Right with a group of Hammerskins led by Chester Doles in 2017 and has even been a clothing model for two neo-Nazi apparel lines: Our Fight Clothing Co. (which carried early Robert Rundo / RAM apparel) and Panzer Street Wear.
Josh was first publicly ID’d in 2020 by Antifascist Garfield. A few months later he was featured in the “PanzerDox” series put out by a collaborative of antifascist crews. At the time Josh was living in Geneva, Nebraska. He now resides in Johnson City, TN.

Josh’s music podcast White Noise Radio is just nazis talking about their bands and listening to their favorite hate songs. It isn’t deep fascist theory or anything, it’s more akin to some bros talking about their favorite toilets and then listening to them flush. At one point in the interview, as Josh was lamenting how small the US hate core music scene had become, he mentioned that the recent rise of active clubs was a hopeful turn of events, and that the collaboration between white power bands and white nationalist MMA fights might “bring around some of the younger dudes that we need.”
Harris replied:
“It already has brought around a plethora of young guys. And ya know, not even like skinheads and stuff, but like National Socialist kids and people that are just, ya know, sick of this shit. And it’s bringin’ around a lotta younger people. It really is. And it’s refreshing to see.”
In fact, after this interview was released on Feb 10th, Robert Harris saw an active club the very next day … at his house.
It obviously says a lot that Robert and Lindsey hosted EAC at their Middleton, ID home—it reinforces the impression of a direct Hammerskin role in active club organizing. But despite Daniel Rowe suggesting this was a meet-up with an eastern EAC crew, we’ve yet to identify any Evergreen members from Idaho doing “activism” on the ground with the club. We certainly haven’t seen Robert Harris at Evergreen events. The only publicly participating Idaho member of the Northwest Nationalist Network that we’ve been able to identify is Thomas Totten (aka “Ragnar”) of the Vinland Rebels.
So what’s going on here? Is there an “Idaho chapter” that doesn’t do visible activism? Were they just using the home of a Hammerskin buddy for disparate EAC members to converge for a gathering? Was it an attempt to get a blessing to go forward with the 3N alliance from the Northwestern Hammerskins? Or was it a Hammerskin recruitment meet-and-greet for some of the younger members? Was the meeting, as the Vice article suggested, a front for criminal activity? Maybe Daniel simply refers to some of the Vinland Rebels as the “Idaho chapter” and it’s just a messy pot where nazis stew.
Whatever’s going on, it’s transactional and it’s networking. While we can’t say with certainty that the active club is being used as a Hammerskin front, as was the case in Canada, Evergreen obviously has deep ties to the Hammerskin Nation and it’s likely that recruitment goes both ways.

Right: An Evergreen Active Club banner draped over Lindsey’s 4Runner. Note the “Sullen Art Collective” gear, which Breanna Jorgensen (Daniel Rowe’s gf) sells through her business Elements Boutique.
A good while after the meet-up Daniel Rowe posted a group picture of a bunch of people whose faces had been blacked-out and thanked the “Idaho chapter” for their hospitality. It’s not at all clear that the picture was taken during the February visit, and there may have been other trips into Idaho. What is clear is that a good number of the men pictured are repping Hammerskin / Crew 38.

Northwestern Hammerskins (NWH) are a regional chapter of the Hammerskin Nation whose territory consists of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and North Dakota.

Rose City Antifa noted in 2012 that Northwestern Hammerskins “appear to have a particularly heavy presence in Idaho as well as Washington State, with its Washington presence concentrated in the Puget Sound region.” While their distribution has no doubt varied since then, this seems to have generally held true.
As you can imagine, although Martyrs Day events are sometimes held in other regions, the Whidbey Island, WA area is the pilgrimage site, so NWH have been the chapter responsible for organizing those events over the years. Although EAC, SCAC, and West Coast Firm are listed as last year’s sponsors of the Martyrs Day Rumble, we presume the Northwestern Hammerskins had a hand in it as well. They have also hosted Hammerfest a couple times, and they’ve organized plenty of other smaller meet-ups and concerts over the years.
These events regularly lead to violence.
For example, in 2018 a group of Crew 38 boneheads were making the Martyrs Day pilgrimage when they “swarmed” and “stomped” a black DJ in Lynnwood, WA. One witness said as many as 14 racist skinheads participated in the attack, including Hammerskin Vincent Nutter, who escaped charges and has since joined up with the Evergreen Active Club. All four of the boneheads who actually did catch charges were Crew 38 from the Northwestern Hammerskin region.

Right: Vincent Nutter, an EAC-affiliated Hammerskin who participated in the attack but later had his charges dropped.
Daniel Rowe, the leader of Evergreen and a violent felon himself, made a Crew 38 Support post in the spring of 2022. He is clearly the key facilitator of the crossover between the NW Hammerskins and EAC.

The man who is believed to be leader of the Northwestern Hammerskins is a character who looms large over the racist skinhead scene – Matthew Richard Schmoyer (aka: Matty O’Hammer) of Sultan, WA. For more detailed info on Matthew’s whereabouts, you can contact us at EACtips@protonmail.com.

Like most of the boneheads under him, Schmoyer has a violent past. In 2003, he and his buddies were getting juiced-up at his Vancouver, WA apartment in anticipation of a Volksfront-sponsored white power concert near Hillsboro, OR, but they never made it to the show. Instead, five of them, including Schmoyer, assaulted a black teenage boy. Four of the men were charged, three of which fell under hate-crime laws. For his role in the attack, Schmoyer landed himself a malicious harassment conviction and a sentence that included 150 days in jail with an order to no longer associate with the Hammerskin Nation.
Nevertheless, O’Hammer has been known for his frequent engagement in online Crew 38 forums and for his hands-on involvement in NWH recruitment efforts. He is well-established within the network, and somewhere along the line he connected with Evergreen Active Club leader Daniel Rowe. Considering his long history and known connections, O’Hammer has to be directly aware of the Hammerskin’s role within EAC.
In fact, we’ve discovered that both Daniel Rowe and Matthew Schmoyer attended the seminal euro-style white nationalist MMA fight in San Diego last year.
Last year, on August 20th, the first Euro-style fascist MMA fight in the US was held at a (then) secret location in San Diego, CA. The event was called “Birth of a New Frontier” and it was co-sponsored by Patriot Front and Media2Rise, whose founder Robert Rundo was recently extradited to the U.S. from Romania to face charges for violence related to his former org, Rise Above Movement.
The tournament was also co-planned by the SoCal Active Club (SCAC), a crew with deep Hammerskin-ties (much like EAC). In Part I of our series, we discussed how SCAC also co-sponsored the Martyrs Day Rumble.
As it turns out, their PNW partners—the top two men running the two local crews that were at least partially responsible for the Rumble—were also guests at the private, invite-only “Birth of a New Frontier” fight four months earlier.

Center/Right: Matthew Schmoyer at the “Birth of a New Frontier” fight in San Diego.

It must have been inspiring. Three days after “Birth of a New Frontier”, Daniel Rowe posted a picture of himself relaxing on an outdoor patio. Months later, Schmoyer (“Matty O’Hammer”) found the post and commented, “La Mesa.”, referring to the San Diego suburb located roughly 6 miles from the venue where the MMA fight was held.
Daniel replied, “had a fuckin blast down there.”
“My favorite place to visit.” Schmoyer noted.
“Can’t wait for July.” Daniel replied.

Daniel Rowe’s reference to “July” was a nod to a loose plan to throw another white nationalist fight tournament again this summer. Sure enough, on Aug 19th, one day shy of the one-year-anniversary of “Birth of a New Frontier”, a small group of “3.0” crews joined-up to hold their latest white nationalist MMA fight – “Frontier ‘23“. It was organized by SCAC, just as the first event had been, though this year it was held in a dumpy private gym in a suburb north of Huntington Beach in Southern California.
Matthew Schmoyer went.

Daniel Rowe went, and he brought Jason Stebly along. Daniel’s girlfriend Breanna Jorgensen also made the trip. She even posted about her beach vacation of Facebook—and asked her friends to help fund it by sending her money to buy more booze.

Unlike the previous two tournaments, Daniel Rowe finally stepped into the ring. Schmoyer and his beer were Rowe’s entourage for the bout, with Jason Stebly tagging along behind them.

Word on the street is that Danny got absolutely destroyed. One of the first pictures released was of a defeated Rowe on his knees. Behind him, draped on the wall with all the other club flags, was a Hammerskins banner.

For more detailed information on the current whereabouts of anyone discussed in this article, or if you have any further information about them or other EAC members, please get in touch with us at EACtips@protonmail.com.